Chantel Jeffries frolics on the beach in Miami in a green bikini

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Chantel Jeffries frolics on the beach in Miami in a green bikini

A statement released by the regulator on Friday said: 'We consider the volume and potentially serious nature of the issues raised within such a short period to be of great concern - especially given RT's compliance history, which has seen...

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Missile fired from Ukrainian-held territory downed over Crimean…

So many families are being separated and displaced. I'm honoured to be welcomed to Poland today by [Mayor Rafał Kazimierz Trzaskowski] and meeting Ukrainian refugees. Poland has taken in at least 1.7m so far.'  'I also met Anna, a production...

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Leona Lewis 'is expecting her first child with husband Dennis Jauch'

Now Belarusian medical staff in Homel, in southeastern Belarus, have described ‘overflowing' morgues, with one resident of the city Mazyr claiming: ‘Passengers at the Mazyr train station were shocked by the number of corpses being loaded on the train. After...

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