Sustainability is a crucial subject that businesses must focus on at all levels. Good corporate governance is essentially built on three precedents — economic progress, social development, and environmental improvements. It ultimately fosters sustainability, creates sustainable values, and helps companies achieve these values.
Corporate sustainability has emerged as a management system that merges and balances the interests of all three pillars of sustainable development. We project that companies should aim to measure and understand the impact their business activities have on the value chain and, through their business operations, ensure that they can participate in solving societal and environmental problems within their area of influence, with sustainable value as the springboard. The feedback we have gotten from many directors of industries further reiterates the impact sustainability has on the core of their businesses. This training provides a roadmap to actualizing sustainability in an organisation.
This training will teach participants how to;
- Integrate Sustainable Value Creation in Corporate Governance.
- Evaluate the maturity of sustainability in their organisation, and identify significant steps for advancement.
- Improve oversight of ESG risks and opportunities.
- Embed sustainability into their organisation’s objective, core policy, and everyday decision-making.