Leak could boost Putin's war by revealing how US is spying on Russia

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Leak could boost Putin's war by revealing how US is spying on Russia

They are not war plans and they provide no details on any planned Ukraine offensive. And some inaccuracies — including estimates of Russian troops deaths that are significantly lower than numbers publicly stated by U.S. officials — have led some...

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'It was heartbreaking' – Ukraine children back home after alleged…

In a press conference in April 2021, accuser Ashley Solis says she can no longer do her job as a massage therapist ‘without shaking during the session’ after Watson allegedly forced his erect penis into her hand during a session...

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In 1st big campaign do, Macron unveils vision for 2nd term

‘As I love horses, I wanted to have a Unicorn on the other arm. I love my new tattoos! I wasn’t pleased with the tattoo bracelets so I decided to cover them, I am looking at getting a bigger and...

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Prisoner Charles Bronson, 69, is set for 'parole hearing in June'

The court heard in the early hours of that morning Williamson's phone was used to access YouTube videos including one called: 'Spoon is used to remove man's cyst' by Dr Pimple Popper and another called 'Large blackhead abstraction'. The man,...

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