Russia takes stock after failed winter offensive

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Russia takes stock after failed winter offensive

tion?” Kofman warned that Russian Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov is “exhausting the force with an ill-timed, feckless set of offensive operations, whose gains will not change the strategic picture for Russia, but could leave Russian forces more...

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Iggy Azalea channels Cher Horowitz from Clueless again

The regulator, Roskomnadzor, said adverts on the platform were calling for the communications systems of Russia and Belarus’ railway networks to be suspended and that their dissemination was evidence of the U.S. “Vladlen has proven that today the front line...

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The corpses of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine are being moved from Belarus back to Russia by train and planes in the dead of night to avoid attracting attention, it has emerged

MOSCOW, April 8 (Reuters) – Hundreds of mourners, including the leader of Russia’s Wagner private militia group, attended the funeral on Saturday of pro-war blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, who was killed on April 2 in a cafe bomb blast that Moscow...

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