Chief Victor Odiase
Mr Victor Osevegie Odiase, a Chartered Accountant, trained in the United Kingdom with Messrs. Neville Russell, and later on Binder Hamlyn (Chartered Accountants), under whom he served Articles of Clerkship in the United Kingdom.
He was admitted a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) in 1971, and also a member of the British Chartered Institute of Taxation in 1973. He later became a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, thus becoming one of the very few Nigerian accounting professionals that held memberships of these four professional Institutes.
He worked with Coopers & Lybrand, after which he became one of the pioneer staff of NNOC that later metamorphosed into NNPC. He left NNPC to work for Shell Nigeria Limited, the downstream operating company of Royal Dutch Shell. Mr Victor Odiase in 1981 went into a Public Accountancy Practice, and in particular insolvency practice, and later became a Fellow of the Business Review and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria (BRIPAN), on whose Council he Served for three years. He is a Member of Insolvency International (INSOL).
Mr Victor Odiase, out of sheer professional and academic inquisitiveness enrolled with Leeds Metropolitan University (now Leeds Becket University) in Yorkshire, England, and obtained a Master’s Degree with distinction in Corporate Governance in 2009. He is a member of the Society for Corporate Governance Nigeria, and was conferred a Fellow in 2013. He is currently immersed in doctoral research relating to Political and Corporate Governance practices in Nigeria.
He was appointed by Federal Government to serve as the Chairman of the Steering Committee on the National Codes of Corporate Governance in 2013, and the Committee produced the three (3) National Code(s) of Corporate Governance 2016. He has also served as a non – executive director of Vicolsin International Group of Companies and he is currently the Nigeria Country Partner of Andrew Russell Consulting Worldwide.